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Cervical dystonia (CD) is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary and painful contractions of the cervical muscles, mainly interfering with the performance of ADLs due to movement limitation. Physiotherapy through myofascial release (LM) and other resources when associated with botulinum toxin (Tb-A) therapy can be effective in the management of CD. Goal: The aim of this study was to report the most effective method for the treatment of CD. Method: The study was developed in a bibliographical and integrative way, being conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. The search for articles was in the Pubmed, Lilacs and PEdro databases, using the following descriptors: Cervical Dystonia, Botulinum Toxin, Physiotherapy. Articles in English and Portuguese, published from 2011 to 2022, were analyzed. Results: Studies with positive results were found for the treatment of CD through physiotherapy techniques associated with Tb-A. 70 articles were evaluated for the bibliographic and integrative review. In the first stage, 27 articles that maintained the criteria for the research were selected. In the second stage, 20 articles that did not coincide to remain in the research were excluded. In the last stage, 7 articles were chosen that presented methodological criteria that coincided with those proposed by the project and were analyzed. Such research has proven the efficiency of the techniques: LM, kinesiotherapy, functional electrostimulation in the muscles antagonistic to the dystonic pattern, and when associated with Tb-A, positive medium-term results are obtained in the first application. Conclusion: With this, we show that physiotherapy associated with the application of Tb-A has greater benefits for the patient. The combination of treatment does not detract from physiotherapy techniques, which provide pain relief, improves posture, strengthens the affected muscles, works to prevent shortening and improves the patient's quality of life, but rather enhances the patient's improvement.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593552320079

  • Palavras-chave: Cervical dystonia. Physiotherapy. botulinum toxin.

  • Keywords: Cervical dystonia. Physiotherapy. botulinum toxin.

  • Abstract:

    Cervical dystonia (CD) is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary and painful contractions of the cervical muscles, mainly interfering with the performance of ADLs due to movement limitation. Physiotherapy through myofascial release (LM) and other resources when associated with botulinum toxin (Tb-A) therapy can be effective in the management of CD. Goal: The aim of this study was to report the most effective method for the treatment of CD. Method: The study was developed in a bibliographical and integrative way, being conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. The search for articles was in the Pubmed, Lilacs and PEdro databases, using the following descriptors: Cervical Dystonia, Botulinum Toxin, Physiotherapy. Articles in English and Portuguese, published from 2011 to 2022, were analyzed. Results: Studies with positive results were found for the treatment of CD through physiotherapy techniques associated with Tb-A. 70 articles were evaluated for the bibliographic and integrative review. In the first stage, 27 articles that maintained the criteria for the research were selected. In the second stage, 20 articles that did not coincide to remain in the research were excluded. In the last stage, 7 articles were chosen that presented methodological criteria that coincided with those proposed by the project and were analyzed. Such research has proven the efficiency of the techniques: LM, kinesiotherapy, functional electrostimulation in the muscles antagonistic to the dystonic pattern, and when associated with Tb-A, positive medium-term results are obtained in the first application. Conclusion: With this, we show that physiotherapy associated with the application of Tb-A has greater benefits for the patient. The combination of treatment does not detract from physiotherapy techniques, which provide pain relief, improves posture, strengthens the affected muscles, works to prevent shortening and improves the patient's quality of life, but rather enhances the patient's improvement.

  • Fernanda Valéria dos Santos Andrade
  • Emily Cristina Bastos Lima
  • Nicholas da Silva Tavares
  • Jeffson Pereira Cavalcante
  • Juliana Ribeiro Magalhães
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