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The school and the appreciation of the teaching identity

We have the school as a natural environment for the exercise of teaching practice, especially regarding reflections on the present and professional future. It is important to realize that changes in technological, social, environmental and political scenarios directly affect the context of school experience. Therefore, education professionals and trainers of these professionals must effectively consider the notorious need to evaluate teacher training by exercising criticality of what is offered to students and what these students seek at school in current times. This brief study focuses objectively on a bibliographic review, in which we will highlight reflections on the teaching identity. We highlight theorists such as ARROYO (2007), BEHAR (2009), BORGES (2013). HOPE (2013), FREIRE (2021), GIROUX (1997), IMBERNÓN (2009) and NÓVOA (1992). Considering relevant identifications in this research, it appears that the teaching identity has to do with social changes. Furthermore, it is very important that teacher training emphasizes the critical and participatory professional in curriculum construction and a work environment favorable to acting in constructive ways through new practices.

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The school and the appreciation of the teaching identity

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929362330085

  • Palavras-chave: School, Professional identity, Formation.

  • Keywords: School, Professional identity, Formation.

  • Abstract:

    We have the school as a natural environment for the exercise of teaching practice, especially regarding reflections on the present and professional future. It is important to realize that changes in technological, social, environmental and political scenarios directly affect the context of school experience. Therefore, education professionals and trainers of these professionals must effectively consider the notorious need to evaluate teacher training by exercising criticality of what is offered to students and what these students seek at school in current times. This brief study focuses objectively on a bibliographic review, in which we will highlight reflections on the teaching identity. We highlight theorists such as ARROYO (2007), BEHAR (2009), BORGES (2013). HOPE (2013), FREIRE (2021), GIROUX (1997), IMBERNÓN (2009) and NÓVOA (1992). Considering relevant identifications in this research, it appears that the teaching identity has to do with social changes. Furthermore, it is very important that teacher training emphasizes the critical and participatory professional in curriculum construction and a work environment favorable to acting in constructive ways through new practices.

  • Weberson Fernandes de Freitas
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