Artigo - Atena Editora


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Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. Effective treatment of chronic pain is a significant challenge, and several therapeutic approaches have been explored to alleviate symptoms and improve patients' quality of life. In this integrative review, we sought to investigate the effectiveness of different therapeutic interventions in the treatment of chronic pain, based on a comprehensive analysis of the scientific literature. Nineteen relevant references were selected, including systematic studies, meta-analyses and systematic reviews. The therapeutic approaches investigated covered a wide range of modalities, including vitamin D supplementation, non-invasive non-pharmacological treatments, psychological interventions, specific diets, prolotherapy, virtual reality, physical exercises, conservative interventions, spinal cord stimulation, acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), functional neuroimaging and medicinal cannabinoids. The results of this integrative review indicated that several therapeutic approaches showed significant benefits in the treatment of chronic pain. Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to be effective in relieving fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Non-pharmacological non-invasive treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation have also been shown to be effective. Psychological interventions such as acceptance and commitment therapy have been effective in managing chronic pain in children and adolescents. Additionally, specific diets such as intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, and the Mediterranean diet have demonstrated benefits in relieving chronic musculoskeletal pain. Other therapeutic approaches such as prolotherapy, virtual reality, physical exercise, spinal cord stimulation, and acupuncture have also been associated with positive outcomes in the management of chronic pain. However, it is important to highlight that each therapeutic approach has its own limitations and specific considerations. Not all therapeutic interventions are equally effective for all patients, and the selection of the most appropriate treatment must be based on an individualized assessment, considering the clinical aspects and the patient's preferences. In conclusion, this integrative review highlights the diversity of therapeutic approaches available for the management of chronic pain. From the available evidence, it can be inferred that the combination of different therapeutic approaches, adapted to the individual needs of patients, can provide better results in the relief of chronic pain. However, more research is needed to deepen the understanding of these therapeutic approaches and their clinical applications, as well as to investigate emerging promising interventions.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593592311081

  • Palavras-chave: chronic pain, treatment, opioids, exercise, diet, acupuncture, cannabis, prolotherapy, functional neuroimaging, virtual reality, non-pharmacological interventions.

  • Keywords: chronic pain, treatment, opioids, exercise, diet, acupuncture, cannabis, prolotherapy, functional neuroimaging, virtual reality, non-pharmacological interventions.

  • Abstract:

    Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. Effective treatment of chronic pain is a significant challenge, and several therapeutic approaches have been explored to alleviate symptoms and improve patients' quality of life. In this integrative review, we sought to investigate the effectiveness of different therapeutic interventions in the treatment of chronic pain, based on a comprehensive analysis of the scientific literature. Nineteen relevant references were selected, including systematic studies, meta-analyses and systematic reviews. The therapeutic approaches investigated covered a wide range of modalities, including vitamin D supplementation, non-invasive non-pharmacological treatments, psychological interventions, specific diets, prolotherapy, virtual reality, physical exercises, conservative interventions, spinal cord stimulation, acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), functional neuroimaging and medicinal cannabinoids. The results of this integrative review indicated that several therapeutic approaches showed significant benefits in the treatment of chronic pain. Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to be effective in relieving fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Non-pharmacological non-invasive treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation have also been shown to be effective. Psychological interventions such as acceptance and commitment therapy have been effective in managing chronic pain in children and adolescents. Additionally, specific diets such as intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, and the Mediterranean diet have demonstrated benefits in relieving chronic musculoskeletal pain. Other therapeutic approaches such as prolotherapy, virtual reality, physical exercise, spinal cord stimulation, and acupuncture have also been associated with positive outcomes in the management of chronic pain. However, it is important to highlight that each therapeutic approach has its own limitations and specific considerations. Not all therapeutic interventions are equally effective for all patients, and the selection of the most appropriate treatment must be based on an individualized assessment, considering the clinical aspects and the patient's preferences. In conclusion, this integrative review highlights the diversity of therapeutic approaches available for the management of chronic pain. From the available evidence, it can be inferred that the combination of different therapeutic approaches, adapted to the individual needs of patients, can provide better results in the relief of chronic pain. However, more research is needed to deepen the understanding of these therapeutic approaches and their clinical applications, as well as to investigate emerging promising interventions.

  • Andreson Assuncao Vasconcelos
  • Renata de Oliveira Machado Amorim
  • Charles Couto Gomes Júnior
  • Sebastião Fiorot da Silva
  • Gabriel Victor Motta Cruz
  • Andre Luiz Borges Camporez
  • Lara Formigoni Binda
  • Jorge José da Conceição Júnior
  • Beatriz Lopes Gonçalves
  • Ana Beatriz Silva Sidronio
  • Júlia Martins Oliveira
  • Carolline Damas de Andrade Oliveira
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