Artigo - Atena Editora


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The return of institutionalized children and adolescents is a delicate and complex theme that, although it brings causes and motivations, overcomes the legal provisions, deserving attention not only from the area of law, but also from Mental Health with regard to the affective relationships in question. The present work aims to address the emotional issues in relation to children who are in the housing system upon their return, after the regular process of adoption and coexistence with their adoptive parents. It is intended to discuss the justifications that lead the parties involved (children and parents) to the failure of adoption, discuss the meaning of this second abandonment for the child and the effects that may influence its development. In addition to the issue itself, the institutional model will be revisited as an alternative of the State for the reception of these children, as well as the legal provisions in force, such as protective measures, to ensure their integral development. Finally, this work intends to investigate the contribution of Psychology and Psychoanalysis to adopters and adopted, taking into account the expectations and needs of both, in order to alleviate suffering and possible damage. The results of this study made it possible to identify that the child or adolescent, when returned, suffer emotional impacts such as sadness, low self-esteem, shocks in interpersonal relationships and difficulties in establishing affective bonds. The results also point to the contribution of psychology approaches, such as some studies of Psychoanalysis, in the understanding of the psychic phenomena of children and adolescents involved in the adoption process.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582352201112

  • Palavras-chave: Abandonment. Housing. Adoption. Children. Devolution

  • Keywords: Abandonment. Housing. Adoption. Children. Devolution

  • Abstract:

    The return of institutionalized children and adolescents is a delicate and complex theme that, although it brings causes and motivations, overcomes the legal provisions, deserving attention not only from the area of law, but also from Mental Health with regard to the affective relationships in question. The present work aims to address the emotional issues in relation to children who are in the housing system upon their return, after the regular process of adoption and coexistence with their adoptive parents. It is intended to discuss the justifications that lead the parties involved (children and parents) to the failure of adoption, discuss the meaning of this second abandonment for the child and the effects that may influence its development. In addition to the issue itself, the institutional model will be revisited as an alternative of the State for the reception of these children, as well as the legal provisions in force, such as protective measures, to ensure their integral development. Finally, this work intends to investigate the contribution of Psychology and Psychoanalysis to adopters and adopted, taking into account the expectations and needs of both, in order to alleviate suffering and possible damage. The results of this study made it possible to identify that the child or adolescent, when returned, suffer emotional impacts such as sadness, low self-esteem, shocks in interpersonal relationships and difficulties in establishing affective bonds. The results also point to the contribution of psychology approaches, such as some studies of Psychoanalysis, in the understanding of the psychic phenomena of children and adolescents involved in the adoption process.

  • Aldenise Barreto de Albuquerque Silva
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