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By leaving aside the status of a primordial explanatory category and thus losing credit to related theories, it was necessary for some authors to realize the need for class to return to the scene of social inequalities and conflicts. Likewise, it is necessary to bring to light the relevance of the sociological approach to social structure and collective behaviors, as only then would it be possible to understand the mechanisms through which individuals, sharing the same class position, express their presumed class interests by forming collectives of action, as well as the factors that stimulate or inhibit such awareness. (Gaiger, 2019). In this sense, the purpose of this study will be to contextualize a conflictual collective action, and for this purpose the crisis that occurred in Bolivia between October and November 2019 will be addressed, from two lenses and their possible relationship. Classes as a theoretical and analytical model, necessary to understand social facts and phenomena that are configured in their various structures, based on a review of neo-Marxist authors, and the analysis of social representations, such as imaginary, culture and symbolism of a group's identity and its representation in the face of a certain social fact. To this end, a detailed timeline of the twenty-one days of conflict will be presented, from the presidential elections on October 20th, until the resignation of President Morales on November 10th, 2019. Afterwards, a bibliographical analysis will be developed regarding the class and class action, from the perspective of social representations. Finally, the Bolivian crisis and its conflicts will be contextualized from the perspective of the class configuration and social representation that may have formed in Bolivian society.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163332307129

  • Palavras-chave: social structure; collective action; social representations; crisis in Bolivia.

  • Keywords: social structure; collective action; social representations; crisis in Bolivia.

  • Abstract:

    By leaving aside the status of a primordial explanatory category and thus losing credit to related theories, it was necessary for some authors to realize the need for class to return to the scene of social inequalities and conflicts. Likewise, it is necessary to bring to light the relevance of the sociological approach to social structure and collective behaviors, as only then would it be possible to understand the mechanisms through which individuals, sharing the same class position, express their presumed class interests by forming collectives of action, as well as the factors that stimulate or inhibit such awareness. (Gaiger, 2019). In this sense, the purpose of this study will be to contextualize a conflictual collective action, and for this purpose the crisis that occurred in Bolivia between October and November 2019 will be addressed, from two lenses and their possible relationship. Classes as a theoretical and analytical model, necessary to understand social facts and phenomena that are configured in their various structures, based on a review of neo-Marxist authors, and the analysis of social representations, such as imaginary, culture and symbolism of a group's identity and its representation in the face of a certain social fact. To this end, a detailed timeline of the twenty-one days of conflict will be presented, from the presidential elections on October 20th, until the resignation of President Morales on November 10th, 2019. Afterwards, a bibliographical analysis will be developed regarding the class and class action, from the perspective of social representations. Finally, the Bolivian crisis and its conflicts will be contextualized from the perspective of the class configuration and social representation that may have formed in Bolivian society.

  • Ivan Osvaldo Calderon Arrueta Ribeiro
  • Lorena de Sousa Ribeiro Calderon Arrueta
  • Celso Ricardo dos Santos Nascimento
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