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In a globalized world, where society overvalues ​​cognitive performance, there has been a trend that consolidates theories that understand human beings as affective subjects. Thus, it is observed that there is an intellect/affection axis, that the ability to feel emotions is indispensable for the establishment of rational behaviors. It is noticed that the difficultiesin learning seem to occur as a result of an imbalance, between cognition or affectivity, or in the relationship between both. For example, with regard to cognition, from the pedagogical, psychological and psychoanalytical point of view, an individual may have learning difficulties in several areas of education, especially in mathematics, as it requires a great cognitive effort. DSeveral psychological and sociological currents demonstrate that action and reason correspond to cognitive functions driven by mental structures and affective aspects. From this perspective, when the cognitive capacity of the human being or intelligence is mentioned, questions are raised about the individual's learning capacity in relation to the object of knowledge. This article, which aims to investigate the importance of affectivity in the construction of the teaching-learning process of mathematics, will be based on the learning theories of Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon, who conceive the relationship between cognitive and affective processes in psychic functioning as intrinsic human. The methodology undertaken was of a qualitative nature. The instruments used were the Affect-Performance Diagram (DAP) of adapted analysis, developed by Silva and Teixeira (2009). The results point to the affective aspect, as well as the relationship between teacher and student, as fundamental variables to determine the teaching-learning process.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582392215122

  • Palavras-chave: Affectivity, cognitive development, mathematics teaching-learning.

  • Keywords: Affectivity, cognitive development, mathematics teaching-learning.

  • Abstract:

    In a globalized world, where society overvalues ​​cognitive performance, there has been a trend that consolidates theories that understand human beings as affective subjects. Thus, it is observed that there is an intellect/affection axis, that the ability to feel emotions is indispensable for the establishment of rational behaviors. It is noticed that the difficultiesin learning seem to occur as a result of an imbalance, between cognition or affectivity, or in the relationship between both. For example, with regard to cognition, from the pedagogical, psychological and psychoanalytical point of view, an individual may have learning difficulties in several areas of education, especially in mathematics, as it requires a great cognitive effort. DSeveral psychological and sociological currents demonstrate that action and reason correspond to cognitive functions driven by mental structures and affective aspects. From this perspective, when the cognitive capacity of the human being or intelligence is mentioned, questions are raised about the individual's learning capacity in relation to the object of knowledge. This article, which aims to investigate the importance of affectivity in the construction of the teaching-learning process of mathematics, will be based on the learning theories of Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon, who conceive the relationship between cognitive and affective processes in psychic functioning as intrinsic human. The methodology undertaken was of a qualitative nature. The instruments used were the Affect-Performance Diagram (DAP) of adapted analysis, developed by Silva and Teixeira (2009). The results point to the affective aspect, as well as the relationship between teacher and student, as fundamental variables to determine the teaching-learning process.

  • Marcia Cristina Araújo Lustosa Silva
  • Márcia Cristina Araújo Lustosa Silva
  • Roberta Marcelino de Albuquerque Souza
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