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The constitution of the school in a Quilombola and Kaingang context: speeches and actions

The research discussed here seeks to understand the speeches and teaching actions in indigenous and Quilombola schools in Paraná as constituents of identity and memory. Its objectives were: to record cultural practices - games, dances, music, traditional events, linguistic uses, food, spirituality, uses of plants and arts. It aimed to bring the university and the communities closer together through assistance in the creation of teacher training courses, teaching materials contextualized to local needs and languages. It sought to produce collective memory materials, through interviews, collection of stories to be published in booklets used in the classroom and externally. The records were made from recordings and capture of photos or videos. The results are a significant amount of images, audios and transcripts that will contribute as historical records. This made it possible to know how the school is constituted by sayings and actions similar to an archaeological excavation process, in which there is always the possibility to go deeper (FOUCAULT, 2008).

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The constitution of the school in a Quilombola and Kaingang context: speeches and actions

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558352325017

  • Palavras-chave: speeches; school; do.

  • Keywords: speeches; school; do.

  • Abstract:

    The research discussed here seeks to understand the speeches and teaching actions in indigenous and Quilombola schools in Paraná as constituents of identity and memory. Its objectives were: to record cultural practices - games, dances, music, traditional events, linguistic uses, food, spirituality, uses of plants and arts. It aimed to bring the university and the communities closer together through assistance in the creation of teacher training courses, teaching materials contextualized to local needs and languages. It sought to produce collective memory materials, through interviews, collection of stories to be published in booklets used in the classroom and externally. The records were made from recordings and capture of photos or videos. The results are a significant amount of images, audios and transcripts that will contribute as historical records. This made it possible to know how the school is constituted by sayings and actions similar to an archaeological excavation process, in which there is always the possibility to go deeper (FOUCAULT, 2008).

  • Luís Otávio Schreiber
  • Márcia Andréa dos Santos
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