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The health category in studies of masculinities in Brazilian psychology

Systematic review of the Brazilian literature in psychology about masculinities, seeking to assess the impact that studies on masculinities had on masculinities. Content analysis revealed 4 categories of analysis: “health”, “representations”, “violence” and “training in psychology”. The analysis of the bibliographical references of the articles revealed that masculinity studies have not been used in Brazilian research, even when the object of study is men and even though this field of knowledge has produced important works and advances outside Brazil in the last 50 years. Using this same documentary corpus, an analysis of the articles' speeches was carried out. Three themes were identified around the object "masculinity": "health", "violence against women" and "representation". In all three themes, claims can be observed that men are invisible or ignored. Male invisibility is analyzed as a statement produced by the discourse of Brazilian psychological science, which uses references in gender studies. It is questioned whether this invisibility is the result of a supposed “injustice”, as some authors seem to suggest, or the unfolding of certain privileges, perhaps invisible to the authors due to the lack of depth in the studies of masculinities themselves. In this work, only the “Health” category will be analyzed.

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The health category in studies of masculinities in Brazilian psychology

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558362310021

  • Palavras-chave: Systematic review; Studies of masculinities; Psychology

  • Keywords: Systematic review; Studies of masculinities; Psychology

  • Abstract:

    Systematic review of the Brazilian literature in psychology about masculinities, seeking to assess the impact that studies on masculinities had on masculinities. Content analysis revealed 4 categories of analysis: “health”, “representations”, “violence” and “training in psychology”. The analysis of the bibliographical references of the articles revealed that masculinity studies have not been used in Brazilian research, even when the object of study is men and even though this field of knowledge has produced important works and advances outside Brazil in the last 50 years. Using this same documentary corpus, an analysis of the articles' speeches was carried out. Three themes were identified around the object "masculinity": "health", "violence against women" and "representation". In all three themes, claims can be observed that men are invisible or ignored. Male invisibility is analyzed as a statement produced by the discourse of Brazilian psychological science, which uses references in gender studies. It is questioned whether this invisibility is the result of a supposed “injustice”, as some authors seem to suggest, or the unfolding of certain privileges, perhaps invisible to the authors due to the lack of depth in the studies of masculinities themselves. In this work, only the “Health” category will be analyzed.

  • Daniel de Castro Barral
  • Valeska Zanello
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