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The absence of criteria in defining the most appropriate jurisdiction for investigating transnational bribery

In the Global Administrative Law, the aim is to examine the presence of normative gaps in the national norms incorporated into the Brazilian legal system following the ratification of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD in which refers to the definition of the most appropriate jurisdiction for the investigation and prosecution of legal entities for bribery of foreign public officials.
The aim is to discuss aspects of the internationalization of a public policy applicable to the policy of combating international corruption, and the main challenges of transposing international standards into domestic administrative law, such as that established by the OECD. 

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The absence of criteria in defining the most appropriate jurisdiction for investigating transnational bribery

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Global Administrative Law. Transposition of international standards. Transnational bribery. Normative gap. Consequences.

  • Keywords: Global Administrative Law. Transposition of international standards. Transnational bribery. Normative gap. Consequences.

  • Abstract:

    In the Global Administrative Law, the aim is to examine the presence of normative gaps in the national norms incorporated into the Brazilian legal system following the ratification of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD in which refers to the definition of the most appropriate jurisdiction for the investigation and prosecution of legal entities for bribery of foreign public officials.
    The aim is to discuss aspects of the internationalization of a public policy applicable to the policy of combating international corruption, and the main challenges of transposing international standards into domestic administrative law, such as that established by the OECD. 

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