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THE ACTIVITY OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION OFFICE IN DEFENSING CULTURAL HERITAGE: combating illicit trafficking in goods with cultural value. Operation “Stolen saint does not perform miracles

It introduces about the concept of Cultural Patrimony Law and its constitutional protection. It develops on the variety of cultural assets existing in Minas Gerais. The role of the Public Prosecutor's Office in combating the trafficking of goods with cultural value is discussed. It is mentioned about the operation “stolen saint does not work miracles”. It concludes with an analysis of the implications and challenges of public power and society in the defense of Cultural Patromony.

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THE ACTIVITY OF THE PUBLIC PROSECUTION OFFICE IN DEFENSING CULTURAL HERITAGE: combating illicit trafficking in goods with cultural value. Operation “Stolen saint does not perform miracles

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Cultural Patrimony Law; Cultural asset; Illicit Traffic; Acting; Prosecutor’s Office

  • Keywords: Cultural Patrimony Law; Cultural asset; Illicit Traffic; Acting; Prosecutor’s Office

  • Abstract:

    It introduces about the concept of Cultural Patrimony Law and its constitutional protection. It develops on the variety of cultural assets existing in Minas Gerais. The role of the Public Prosecutor's Office in combating the trafficking of goods with cultural value is discussed. It is mentioned about the operation “stolen saint does not work miracles”. It concludes with an analysis of the implications and challenges of public power and society in the defense of Cultural Patromony.

  • Danival Bruno de Oliveira
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