THE SERVICE AREA OF URBAN PARKS Two methodological proposals for measuring access
This article presents two methodological proposals for measuring the accessibility of urban parks: one based on travel times to parks on foot and by individual transport, simulating travel to parks in predominantly residential neighborhoods in the western zone of São Paulo by public transport; and another based on travel times to parks by public transport, having simulated routes to parks in São Paulo with a high frequency of public. The purpose of these studies is to seek to support the creation and design of new parks and even other public facilities based on an understanding of the population that public facilities can serve.
THE SERVICE AREA OF URBAN PARKS Two methodological proposals for measuring access
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163182331074
Palavras-chave: urban park; coverage; service area; mobility.
Keywords: urban park; coverage; service area; mobility.
This article presents two methodological proposals for measuring the accessibility of urban parks: one based on travel times to parks on foot and by individual transport, simulating travel to parks in predominantly residential neighborhoods in the western zone of São Paulo by public transport; and another based on travel times to parks by public transport, having simulated routes to parks in São Paulo with a high frequency of public. The purpose of these studies is to seek to support the creation and design of new parks and even other public facilities based on an understanding of the population that public facilities can serve.
- Francine Gramacho Sakata
- Pedro Rezende Mendonça
- Gabriela Oliveira