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Liturgical-sacramental action and ecology regarding Laudato Sì

This research seeks to analyze ecological liturgical pastoral praxis today. Praxis is the reflective and material activity of the human being, it is a transformative action, for an ecoliturgical pastoral in the public dimension of faith. The research consists of studying the interrelationship that must exist between Liturgy and Ecology, based on biblical concepts and the way in which praxis can influence and articulate itself for the development of an ecoliturgy in the current reality, having as a reference space the church in Brazil and especially the Amazon and the Encyclical: Laudato Sì (LS). The research is developed in three stages: presentation and considerations about the Laudato Sì: About caring for the Common Home; a contextualization of the current situation; and finally, the approach to liturgical-sacramental action and ecology.

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Liturgical-sacramental action and ecology regarding Laudato Sì

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Liturgy; ecology; Laudato Sì; ecoliturgy; praxis.

  • Keywords: Liturgy; ecology; Laudato Sì; ecoliturgy; praxis.

  • Abstract:

    This research seeks to analyze ecological liturgical pastoral praxis today. Praxis is the reflective and material activity of the human being, it is a transformative action, for an ecoliturgical pastoral in the public dimension of faith. The research consists of studying the interrelationship that must exist between Liturgy and Ecology, based on biblical concepts and the way in which praxis can influence and articulate itself for the development of an ecoliturgy in the current reality, having as a reference space the church in Brazil and especially the Amazon and the Encyclical: Laudato Sì (LS). The research is developed in three stages: presentation and considerations about the Laudato Sì: About caring for the Common Home; a contextualization of the current situation; and finally, the approach to liturgical-sacramental action and ecology.

  • Washington da Silva Paranhos
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