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capa do ebook 20 years of “Rede Cidadã”: education involving mind, body and emotions in the work for social inclusion

20 years of “Rede Cidadã”: education involving mind, body and emotions in the work for social inclusion

This article aims to present a report of professional experience that highlights the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Rede Cidadã, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2022. The CSO, in its service of social inclusion of young people in the market, has sought to work with the integration of work, called socio-emotional, in its process of supporting young people, people with disabilities, the elderly, homeless people and young people in socio-educational measures, its target audience. The OSC is a Social Assistance Entity that develops programs and projects in a continuous, permanent and planned way, bringing together civil society, companies, public bodies, social organizations and volunteers, to bring solutions in generating work and income. With the slogan “life and work, a single value”, the CSO bets on socio-emotional training, oriented towards the development of skills, as a structuring element in its path. It consists of an experiential educational process aimed at expressing personal, social and professional identity, inspired by several methodologies arising from Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS). The focus on individual transformation seeks to contribute to broader social change. Due to the social relevance of the work, also demonstrated by the numbers achieved, which has already hired more than 90,000 people, it has been arousing the interest of studies, and it sought to establish a partnership with the Public University, together with the AfeTAR Laboratory, a Technological Development Unit (UDT) located at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). From this meeting, this article was born, which estimates, as a result, to discuss the work of the CSO, using materials published on the internet, reports of official activities of the institution and the report of the founders. We conclude on the relevance and need for further studies to highlight their work processes and methods.

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20 years of “Rede Cidadã”: education involving mind, body and emotions in the work for social inclusion

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582103121

  • Palavras-chave: Social Inclusion; Scientific Research and Technological Development

  • Keywords: Social inclusion; Scientific Research and Technological Development

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to present a professional experience report that highlights the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Rede Cidadã, which will be 20 years old in 2022. The CSO, in its service of social inclusion of young people in the labor market, has sought to integrate a work called socio-emotional in its process of supporting young people, people with disabilities, the elderly, homeless people, and young people under socio-educational measures, its target audience. The CSO is a Social Assistance Entity that develops programs and projects in a continuous, permanent, and planned way, gathering civil society, companies, public agencies, social organizations, and volunteers, to bring solutions in work and income generation. With the slogan "life and work, one single value", the CSO bets on socio-emotional training, oriented to the development of skills, as a structuring factor in its path. It consists of an experiential educational process that aims at the expression of personal, social, and professional identity, inspired by several methodologies from Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (ICHP). The focus on individual transformation seeks to contribute to broader social change. Due to the social relevance of the work, demonstrated also by some figures achieved, which has already engaged more than 90,000 people, it has been arousing the interest of studies, and sought to establish a partnership with the Public University, with the afeTAR Laboratory, a Technological Development Unit (TDU) located at the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). From this meeting comes the present article, which estimates, as a result, to discuss the work of the CSO, using materials published on the internet, official activity reports of the institution, and the report of the founders. We conclude on the relevance and need for further studies to highlight its work processes and methods.


  • Número de páginas: 11

  • Fernando Almeida Alves
  • Maria Tatiana Pessoa Costa de Carvalho
  • Alexandra Cleopatre Tsallis
  • Jackeline Sibelle Freires Aires
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